Phuket Luxury Villas | Tourist Spots | Pim’s Place Pizza Express
Pim’s Place Pizza Express
Tourist Attraction Kamala, Phuket, Thailand
Pim’s Place Pizza Express in Kamala is just 25.4 km (or 44 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.
- July 26, 2017
- Restaurants in Phuket
- Kamala
- TAGS: Fast Food | Pizzeria
It’s a well known fact that Thai’s love to eat and for anyone that’s paying attention it’s pretty obvious too. With restaurants, food carts and major fast food chains all over this lovely island finding a place to go out and eat at is as easy as breathing. However if you are like us, than you know the value of being able to sit home and have a hot fresh meal delivered to you. Pims Place Pizza Express offers customers just that, a freshly made delicious pizza delivered right to your front door!
Located in the Big C plaza, right on the main road in Kamala, this tiny but efficient pizza delivery store provides customers with a variety of topping combinations as well as expertly hand made pizzas for your enjoyment. Pims Place Pizza Express offers their customers the option of pick up or delivery, and delivers anywhere in Kamala. So pop on down and try a slice (or pie) of heaven today!

Related Links: Restaurants in Phuket | Tourist Spots | Nearby Kamala Tourist Spots
Pim's Place Pizza Express
It's a well known fact that Thai's love to eat and for anyone that's paying attention it's pretty obvious too. With restaurants, food carts and major fast food chains all over this lovely island finding a place to go out and eat at is as easy as breathing. However if you are like us, than you know the value of being able to sit home and have a hot fresh meal delivered to you. Pims Place Pizza Express offers customers just that, a freshly made delicious pizza delivered right to your front door! Located in the Big C plaza, right on the main road in Kamala, this tiny but efficient pizza delive

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