Lotus Thalang

Tourist Attraction Thalang, Phuket, Thailand

Lotus Thalang in Thalang is just 11.1 km (or 16 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

Lotus Thalang
Lotus Thalang is a typical mall in Thailand. Beside a supermaket you can find the following shops:

Banks(10.30 – 19.00, daily) with ATM : SCB, Krungsri, Bangkok Bank, Islamic Bank, Kasikorn Bank
Pharmacies like Watsons
The Chic Hairdesign
Office Mate
Phone Companies
Beauty Salon
Big Camera
Book and Newsstore
Coffee shops like Black Canyon
Restaurants with Thai food, Seoul Grill, KFC, Chesters Grill, Swensens, Antie Anne’s, MK, Dairy Queen….
and a lot of fashion shops (Levis …..)

Lotus Thalang

Lotus Thalang Information

  • Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:11.1 km (16) minutes
  • Distance From Central Phuket:21 km (37) minutes
  • Opening Hours:08.00 - 22.00
Lotus Thalang
Lotus Thalang Lotus Thalang is a typical mall in Thailand. Beside a supermaket you can find the following shops: Banks(10.30 - 19.00, daily) with ATM : SCB, Krungsri, Bangkok Bank, Islamic Bank, Kasikorn Bank Pharmacies like Watsons The Chic Hairdesign Office Mate Touragents Phone Companies Beauty Salon Big Camera Book and Newsstore Coffee shops like Black Canyon Restaurants with Thai food, Seoul Grill, KFC, Chesters Grill, Swensens, Antie Anne's, MK, Dairy Queen.... and a lot of fashion shops (Levis .....)
PKT Thalang

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Lotus Thalang

Lotus Thalang Lotus Thalang is a typical mall in Thailand. Beside a supermaket you can find the foll…..