Phuket Luxury Villas | Tourist Spots | Ambulance
Tourist Attraction Nai Yang, Phuket, Thailand
Ambulance in Nai Yang is just 2.6 km (or 4 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.
- June 24, 2016
- Emergency Services
- Nai Yang
- TAGS: Ambulances | Health Services
Ambulance in Nai Yang is located on the street from Nai Yang to Nai Thon on the left side.
If you stay near by, call the ambulance: 07 63 275 13 and say: Emergency in ………, please come now. It would be good to have a Thai person calling, cause we can not control who picks up the phone.

Ambulance Information
- Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:2.6 km (4) minutes
- Distance From Central Phuket:33 km (45) minutes
- Telephone:076327513
- TAGS: Ambulances | Health Services
Related Links: Emergency Services | Tourist Spots | Nearby Nai Yang Tourist Spots
Ambulance in Nai Yang is located on the street from Nai Yang to Nai Thon on the left side.
If you stay near by, call the ambulance: 07 63 275 13 and say: Emergency in ........., please come now. It would be good to have a Thai person calling, cause we can not control who picks up the phone.

PKT Nai Yang
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Ambulance in Nai Yang is located on the street from Nai Yang to Nai Thon on the left side. If you st…..