Phuket Luxury Villas | Tourist Spots | Ruen Mai Resort Tour
Ruen Mai Resort Tour
Tourist Attraction Nai Yang, Phuket, Thailand
Ruen Mai Resort Tour in Nai Yang is just 3.5 km (or 7 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.
- June 19, 2016
- Sports
- Nai Yang
- TAGS: Bike Rental & Tours
Nai Yang Beach area is a rather laid-back spot on Phuket Island, and some people opt for cruising bicycles instead of motorbike or rental vehicle. Ruen Mai Resort Tour is a bicycle rental shop with dozens of bikes to rent for tourists staying in Nai Yang at/or near the Ruen Mai Resort. The available red and blue rental bikes are something between beach cruiser style and a first bike for kids. All bikes have big baskets in the front and a padded flat seat on the rear with foot pegs for two people ‘comfort’. To warn pedestrians and other bikers, the bikes come with ringer bells.
The Ruen Mai Resort Tour is located right on Nai Yang Beach, about 3 kilometers south of Phuket International Airport (HKT) and less than that from Bismarcks Paradise, Luxury Villas Phuket.

Ruen Mai Resort Tour Information
- Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:3.5 km (7) minutes
- Distance From Central Phuket:34 km (43) minutes
- Telephone:076 327 800
- TAGS: Bike Rental & Tours
Related Links: Sports | Tourist Spots | Nearby Nai Yang Tourist Spots
Ruen Mai Resort Tour
Nai Yang Beach area is a rather laid-back spot on Phuket Island, and some people opt for cruising bicycles instead of motorbike or rental vehicle. Ruen Mai Resort Tour is a bicycle rental shop with dozens of bikes to rent for tourists staying in Nai Yang at/or near the Ruen Mai Resort. The available red and blue rental bikes are something between beach cruiser style and a first bike for kids. All bikes have big baskets in the front and a padded flat seat on the rear with foot pegs for two people ‘comfort’. To warn pedestrians and other bikers, the bikes come with ringer bells. The Ruen

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