Phuket Luxury Villas | Tourist Spots | Nai Yang Beach
Nai Yang Beach
Tourist Attraction Nai Yang, Phuket, Thailand
Nai Yang Beach in Nai Yang is just 3.5 km (or 7 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.
- June 19, 2016
- Phuket Beaches
- Nai Yang
- TAGS: Beach Toilets | Kite Surfing | Picnic | Scenic | Swimming | Wave Surfing
Nai Yang Beach, Phuket
Nai Yang Beach is the closest and first beach south of the Phuket International Airport. Not only is this a rather less crowded beach and an excellent place for plane spotting during landing, it is also ideal to mingle with the locals who love to hang out with their family in the Sirinat National Park, seeking shade under the evergreen Casuarina trees which can grow up to 35 meters tall.
The similarity of the cassowaries feathers and the plants foliage explains why the name was chosen to identify the genus: the Cassowary is a flightless bird and the third tallest living bird, smaller only than the ostrich and the emu.
Nai Yang Beach is about 800 meters long and up to 50 meters wide. You can have a beautiful beach walk from the local village with its markets, small coffee shops and restaurants (about 30 of them); feel the authentic vibes of the local area (near the airport) all the way up north to the invisible border where the beach transitions into the beautiful Mai Khao Beach. A unique attraction is that, at one point, you can watch the planes landing from very close range.
Nai Yang Beach also provides a few small shops which offer the possibility to buy or rent the necessary equipment for kite surfing. You can actually do a two-hour “one-on-one” kite surfing intro course for around 4500 THB, with all the equipment provided. Or you might want to pick up SUP (stand up paddle boarding): just a bamboo board and carbon fibre paddles and you’re ready to hit the sea.
* There are two public toilets on the Nai Yang beach road: One belongs to the Sirinat National Park and you can use it free of charge; and the other one is better located for the beach guests but is not free of charge. *

Nai Yang Beach Information
- Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:3.5 km (7) minutes
- Distance From Central Phuket:36 km (50) minutes
- TripAdvisor Reviews from Nai Yang Beach
- TAGS: Beach Toilets | Kite Surfing | Picnic | Scenic | Swimming | Wave Surfing
Related Links: Phuket Beaches | Tourist Spots | Nearby Nai Yang Tourist Spots
Nai Yang Beach
Nai Yang Beach, Phuket Nai Yang Beach is the closest and first beach south of the Phuket International Airport. Not only is this a rather less crowded beach and an excellent place for plane spotting during landing, it is also ideal to mingle with the locals who love to hang out with their family in the Sirinat National Park, seeking shade under the evergreen Casuarina trees which can grow up to 35 meters tall.
The similarity of the cassowaries feathers and the plants foliage explains why the name was chosen to identify the genus: the Cassowary is a flightless bird and the

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Nai Yang Beach
Nai Yang Beach, Phuket Nai Yang Beach is the closest and first beach south of the Phuket Internation…..