Phuket Luxury Villas | Tourist Spots | Karon Beach
Karon Beach
Tourist Attraction Karon, Phuket, Thailand
Karon Beach in Karon is just 40 km (or 59 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.
- June 19, 2016
- Phuket Beaches
- Karon
- TAGS: Swimming | Umbrella Rental | Wave Surfing
Karon Beach, Phuket:
Karon Beach is the first beach south of Patong on Phuket Island.
Although you might first see Karon Beach as the beach you’ll keep in mind while you keep your options open, you’ll quickly realize that you do not have to bother with having to choose. Karon Beach is beautiful on its own right with a very lively hotel, restaurant and bar culture right across the street. The beach itself is in fact three kilometers long from north to south and is the third longest of all the beaches on Phuket island; it also have the peculiar characteristic of making funny noises when you walk on it, squeaky noises to be more precise; and it is also one of the best beach for recreation by the water.
Coming down the hill from Patong you can just stop at the northern end of Karon Beach, have a look at this very long stretch of beautiful white sand laying down in front of you with so much uncrowded space, and realize how easy it would be to find your very own little sandy patch of happiness.
The beach can be divided into three large areas:
First is Karon center with its numerous restaurants, live music entertainment venues as well as the weekly market inside Wat Suwan Khiri Khet, a beautiful Buddhist temple better known as Wat Karon. If you are a huge fan of sports (football, rugby and more) and you want to combine this with good English food and/or a Guinness or two: you should not miss to pay Angus O’Tool’s Irish Pub a visit!
Next is the long beach road lined with hotels, coffee shops, tailors and restaurants, all there to “distract” you from your beach experience. Karon Bazaar is definitely a wonderful place to walk around, get lost and tempted into buying things you don’t really need but that you might just be glad you succumbed to the temptation!
The third stretch is on the southern part of Karon Beach and Luang Poh Chuan Road with another set of restaurants, a Starbucks and more evening entertainment venues.

Karon Beach Information
- Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:40 km (59) minutes
- Distance From Central Phuket:21 km (35) minutes
- TripAdvisor Reviews from Karon Beach
- TAGS: Swimming | Umbrella Rental | Wave Surfing
Related Links: Phuket Beaches | Tourist Spots | Nearby Karon Tourist Spots
Karon Beach
Karon Beach, Phuket: Karon Beach is the first beach south of Patong on Phuket Island. Although you might first see Karon Beach as the beach you’ll keep in mind while you keep your options open, you’ll quickly realize that you do not have to bother with having to choose. Karon Beach is beautiful on its own right with a very lively hotel, restaurant and bar culture right across the street. The beach itself is in fact three kilometers long from north to south and is the third longest of 

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