Phuket Luxury Villas | Tourist Spots | Ao – Po Marina
Ao – Po Marina
Tourist Attraction Ao Po, Phuket, Thailand
Ao – Po Marina in Ao Po is just 22.2 km (or 30 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.
- July 3, 2016
- Marinas & Yacht Supply
- Ao Po
- TAGS: Sailing
Ao Po marina is the marina you choose if you want to sail anytime. No tide problems.
It is in northeast of Phuket.
negative: long way out, if you want to leave Phuket, cause you cannot pass The Sarasin Bridge.

Ao – Po Marina Information
- Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:22.2 km (30) minutes
- Distance From Central Phuket:30.7 km (45) minutes
- Telephone:076 336 200
- Website:Website from Ao - Po Marina
- TAGS: Sailing
Related Links: Marinas & Yacht Supply | Tourist Spots | Nearby Ao Po Tourist Spots
Ao - Po Marina
Ao Po marina is the marina you choose if you want to sail anytime. No tide problems. It is in northeast of Phuket. negative: long way out, if you want to leave Phuket, cause you cannot pass The Sarasin Bridge.

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Ao – Po Marina
Ao Po marina is the marina you choose if you want to sail anytime. No tide problems. It is in northe…..