TOT Public Phone Kamala

Tourist Attraction Kamala, Phuket, Thailand

TOT Public Phone Kamala in Kamala is just 24 km (or 41 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

Nowadays the world is ripe with cell phones and other means of communication pretty much rendering the pay phone useless. However, for those times when you can’t get a wifi signal and need to call for directions you’ll be happy to know that there are plenty of TOT pay phones, such as TOT Public Phone Kamala, in every city on this island.

Found all over the little town of Kamala and even on the street that leads to Kamala Beach these little outdated gems may just save you from a bad situation.

TOT Public Phone Kamala

TOT Public Phone Kamala Information

  • Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:24 km (41) minutes
  • Distance From Central Phuket:17.6 km (34) minutes
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TOT Public Phone Kamala
Nowadays the world is ripe with cell phones and other means of communication pretty much rendering the pay phone useless. However, for those times when you can't get a wifi signal and need to call for directions you'll be happy to know that there are plenty of TOT pay phones, such as TOT Public Phone Kamala, in every city on this island. Found all over the little town of Kamala and even on the street that leads to Kamala Beach these little outdated gems may just save you from a bad situation.
PKT Kamala

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TOT Public Phone

Nowadays the world is ripe with cell phones and other means of communication pretty much rendering t…..