Mr. Sak Taxi in Surin

Tourist Attraction Surin, Phuket, Thailand

Mr. Sak Taxi in Surin in Surin is just 19.1 km (or 31 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

At Mr Sak in Surin you can rent a motorbike or a car as well as use the taxi service to go anywhere on the island of Phuket. They also provide drivers who can double as private guides if you want to go on a tour.

Mr. Sak Taxi in Surin

Mr. Sak Taxi in Surin Information

Mr. Sak Taxi in Surin
At Mr Sak in Surin you can rent a motorbike or a car as well as use the taxi service to go anywhere on the island of Phuket. They also provide drivers who can double as private guides if you want to go on a tour.
PKT Surin

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