Beauty Salon Thalang

Tourist Attraction Thalang, Phuket, Thailand

Beauty Salon Thalang in Thalang is just 10.8 km (or 18 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

Beauty Salon Thalang:

The Beauty Salon Thalang is responsible for hair and nails.

Beauty Salon Thalang

Beauty Salon Thalang Information

  • Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:10.8 km (18) minutes
  • Distance From Central Phuket:22.2 km (40) minutes
  • Telephone:0817876367
Beauty Salon Thalang
Beauty Salon Thalang: The Beauty Salon Thalang is responsible for hair and nails.
PKT Thalang

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Beauty Salon Thalang

Beauty Salon Thalang: The Beauty Salon Thalang is responsible for hair and nails.