Currency Exchange Nai Thon

Tourist Attraction Nai Thon, Phuket, Thailand

Currency Exchange Nai Thon in Nai Thon is just 4.6 km (or 7 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

Currency Exchange:

Currency exchange stations are a good private business for Thais. They are all organized and may have a better rate than banks. Some people use them to change Baht into foreign money.

Currency Exchange Nai Thon

Currency Exchange Nai Thon Information

  • Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:4.6 km (7) minutes
  • Distance From Central Phuket:31 km (46) minutes
  • Opening Hours:10.00 - 19.00
Currency Exchange Nai Thon
Currency Exchange: Currency exchange stations are a good private business for Thais. They are all organized and may have a better rate than banks. Some people use them to change Baht into foreign money.
PKT Nai Thon

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currency exchange Nai Thon

Currency Exchange: Currency exchange stations are a good private business for Thais. They are all or…..

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