Tha Sai Seafood

Tourist Attraction Phang Nga, Phuket, Thailand

Tha Sai Seafood in Phang Nga is just 82.9 km (or 76 minutes) away from Bismarcks Paradise Phuket luxury villas resort.

Tha Sai Seafood:

Tha Sai seafood restaurant is located on a river with a nice view in the Phang Gna area.
The restaurant offers good thai food at acceptable prices.
Good to visit if you want to make a trip to Phang Nga, maybe rafting or visit a temple there.

Tha Sai Seafood

Tha Sai Seafood Information

  • Distance From Bismarcks Paradise:82.9 km (76) minutes
  • Distance From Central Phuket:106 km (110) minutes
  • Price Range:80 - 200 THB
  • Number of Tables:55
  • Opening Hours:11.00 - 21.00, daily
  • Address:4044 Bo Saen, Thap Put District, Phang Nga 82180
  • Telephone:089 469 3392
  • TripAdvisor Reviews from Tha Sai Seafood
  • Food: 4 Star Rating Service: 4 Star Rating  Ambiance: 4 Star Rating
Tha Sai Seafood
Tha Sai Seafood: Tha Sai seafood restaurant is located on a river with a nice view in the Phang Gna area. The restaurant offers good thai food at acceptable prices. Good to visit if you want to make a trip to Phang Nga, maybe rafting or visit a temple there.
PKT Phang Nga

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Tha Sai Seafood

Tha Sai Seafood: Tha Sai seafood restaurant is located on a river with a nice view in the Phang Gna…..